Kamiyama is a small town located deep in the mountains of Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku Island. It faced challenges common to many rural Japanese towns — local industries were struggling due to declining domestic demand, and young people were leaving in search of better opportunities.
But in the early 1990s, initiatives to interact with the outside world sparked a chain reaction that would ultimately change Kamiyama's future. The 5,000-person town not only survived, but is now known as a thriving hub of creativity and innovation.
Through interviews with local business owners, artists, and entrepreneurs who contributed to its success story, "Kamiyama: A Small Town with Big Ideas" traces the town's trajectory and provides inspiration for others who want to cultivate a similar spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship in their own communities.
The film, released in early 2023, is selected by five film festivals, including the San Francisco Short Film Festival, the Hollywood ShortsFest and the Documentaries Without Borders International Film festival.
For more information, visit https://www.kamiyama.mooncreativelab.com/
Executive Producers: Kaichi Yokoyama, Mike Peng
Directors: Marco Lui, Kohei Watanabe
Story Developer: Marco Lui
Director of Photography: Kohei Watanabe
Edited by: Kohei Watanabe
Music Arrangement: Kohei Watanabe
Assistant Cinematographers: Akari Yagura, Fuyuki Sawai
Still Photographer: Masataka Namazu
Production Coordinator: Masataka Namazu
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